Blog Events

Story of a Teacup 2024 Charitable Fundraiser

You are warmly invited to join us at the third annual Story of a Teacup 2024 chariTEA fundraiser! Connect with other tea lovers over tea and stories and support a great cause on Sunday, November 17, 2024, 2-3:30PM ET.

This year’s beneficiary is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

As they say on their website: 

At the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention our mission is to save lives and support those affected by suicide. Our team of staff and volunteers across the country is working on accomplishing this mission through direct education, state and federal advocacy, loss and healing support for anyone affected by suicide, and being the #1 private funder of suicide prevention research in the world.

About the Event

Story of a Teacup is a cozy online gathering for tea lovers to come together to sip tea, hear stories, and admire teaware.

At the event, you’re invited to steep tea together virtually. Cup in hand, we’ll listen as designated members of our CommuniTEA share a personal story behind a favorite piece of their teaware. You’ll hear the memories and special meaning behind each piece and see photos, too!

There’s also time for Q&A and, if you like, the option to share a bit of your own teaware story, too. You are welcome to join with your camera on or off.

Event Details

Infographic: How your donation helps AFSP prevent suicide

Ticket Prices:

Contribute $15, $25, or $35 at my donation page at the website of this year’s designated nonprofit organization, AFSP.

  • $25 = recommended donation
  • $15 = for folks experiencing tight finances
  • $35 = for folks who can offset the reduced-rate price

Email Me After You Donate

The “donate” button is at the top of my AFSP page.

After you donate, kindly email me. (Sooner is better so you don’t forget!) I will see your donation on my page. By receiving your email, I will reserve your spot and be able to email you the information to join the Story of a Teacup event.



What if I would like to donate but cannot attend? I warmly welcome all donations, even if you cannot attend the event. The event will be recorded and available to participants for at least two weeks after it is shared.

Will the topic of suicide come up at the event? Besides noting the organization this event is supporting and the amount of money we raised for it, suicide will not be discussed at this event.

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