As Tea Infusiast, I create events and content to connect people with and through tea.
My name is Traci Levy. I’m the tea lover behind Tea Infusiast.
So glad you would like to get to know me better!
I am an educator, writer, meditation teacher, and communiTEA experience organizer who is infusiastic about all things Camellia sinensis.
My tea blog began in December of 2020. I’m holding a “2” in the nearby photo, though, on the occasion of the second anniversary of my monthly tea newsletter, Tea Infusiast News. I started the newsletter in January 2023! The link to sign up is near the bottom of this post if you’re interested.
Tea Infusiast Beginnings
I grew up drinking tea around the kitchen table with family. I have vivid memories sitting at my Nana’s white enamel table with a red stripe on the side. Tea time was when we paused and connected with each other over a cozy cuppa.
I didn’t realize that there was a wide world of tea beyond Lipton until middle school, when I first saw a set of tiny, brightly colored tins of loose-leaf teas. (No shade on Lipton, by the way.)
Realizing there more to tea beyond what was in my family’s cupboards put me on the path of tea exploration.
Many tea classes, workshops, books, and cups of tea later, I am still in love with tea.
Formative Trainings and Experiences
Tea, resting, connecting, and mindfulness are intertwined for me, so I draw from a wide range of trainings and experiences to enrich my tea offerings…and vice versa!
From my work in Higher Ed, I have extensive training and experience in teaching, curriculum development, and workshop facilitation. I draw on a pedagogy of care to create inclusive and accessible spaces.
In my tea life, I have had the pleasure of taking many tea workshops and classes over two plus decades.
I’m also trained as a meditation teacher and have an active meditation practice.
Here are some highlights of more extensive trainings and experiences that have greatly shaped me in recent years.
Power of Awareness online mindfulness training with Devin Berry, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and Konda Mason (2023)
Daring Greatly and Rising Strong programs (2022, based on the work of Brené Brown and led by Cate LaBarre)
My Work as Tea Infusiast
Tea is a joy. Deepening my mindfulness practice with the companionship of tea is also a beautiful, ongoing journey.
As Tea Infusiast, I create events and content to connect people with and through tea.
I am particularly interested in the ways tea can help us slow down, experience the fullness of the present, and connect to each other.
I organize tea events and meditation sessions (online and in person) and a publish a monthly newsletter focused on tea. (The photo of me with the microphone was taken at the 2025 Toronto Tea Festival.)
If you’d like to stay connected and learn about tea- and/or meditation-related events and content, I invite you to subscribe to Tea Infusiast News. You find out about recent blog posts, receive occasional special discounts, advance notice of events, and other perks for subscribing. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Sometimes, I am able to review tea or tea-related things. I am always transparent when I do reviews of anything I didn’t buy at full price. You can read my review policy here. [Note: I regret I am not able to take on tea reviews with NEW partners at this time.]