Blog Tasting Notes

Herbal Tea Recommendations

This post shares herbal tea recommendations based on flavor profiles that I love.

I’ve always been primarily a non-herbal tea drinker. It took me years to find herbal teas that I really enjoy. In this post, I’m happy to highlight seven that I love.

Herbal teas recommendations: plum blossom, barley sprout, rose, Korean mistletoe, lemon ginger honey, and Persian herbals

CommuniTEA Spotlight Retrospective: July – November 2023

Let’s enjoy a CommuniTEA Spotlight Retrospective: July – November 2023!

This post recaps and updates information about members of the tea community featured in my monthly newsletter, Tea Infusiast News, during the second half of 2023.

CommuniTEA Spotlight icons--a flashlight shining at a top down view of a cup of on a black coaster that looks like the letter "C"
Blog Tasting Notes

Teas of 2023

This post shares the wonderful teas of 2023 that my monthly newsletter, Tea Infusiast News, featured in its “What’s Steeping” section.

I paid full price for each of these teas (except one given to me by a friend). In other words, no one is sponsoring this post.*


Why, What, and When of the Boston Tea Party

This post on the why, what, and when of the Boston Tea Party is an update of my first blog post, chosen to go live on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party in December 2020. Since I have some new ways to format and share information, I thought I would update that original post here!

This post explores:

  • Why spill the TEA? In other words, why did tea become the target of the colonists’ anger?
  • Why were the people involved unable to avert the crisis that led to destroying all that tea?
  • What kind of tea did the colonists throw overboard?
  • When and why did the name of the historical event change to what we use now?

You can find answers to these questions and more, if you read on about the Boston Tea Party. Huzzah!


CommuniTEA Spotlight Retrospective: January – June 2023

This post is a CommuniTEA Spotlight Retrospective: January – June 2023.

It compiles members of the tea community featured in my monthly newsletter, Tea Infusiast News, during the first half of 2023. And, this post provides updates, too!


What Does It Mean to Waste Tea?

This post shares my experience radically reducing my tea consumption and an unexpected question that arose: what does it mean to waste tea?

Radically Reducing My Tea Consumption

I spent a good chunk of September weaning myself off tea to see if it would help some health issues I’m having.

I went from having two tea sessions per day and consuming 7-8g of tea a day, to zero. In October, I went a few weeks without any tea, then added one light tea session per week.

It probably goes without saying for someone that runs a tea-related blog, Instagram, and events: this radical reduction in tea has been a big change. I am grateful for some lovely herbal teas, but I still deeply miss drinking tea more regularly.

Teacup with a few drops of tea in it, poised as if ready to pour.

Some challenges I anticipated: missing the flavor, removing one of my daily mindfulness practices, and the initial caffeine withdrawal. But, the many tealess days have also brought some unexpected questions. I’ll focus on one here: what does it mean to “waste” tea?

Blog Events

November’s Virtual Tea Table

Join one, two, or all three sessions of November’s Virtual Tea Table. This series creates a welcoming weekday space to rest in community with other tea lovers.

What Is The Virtual Tea Table?

Hello Tea Friend!  If steeping tea together, resting in communiTEA, and exploring other ways you might live a more restful life sound good to you, then I warmly invite you to gather around the Virtual Tea Table in November. 

Read on for details and how to sign up for one, two, or all three sessions of November’s Virtual Tea Table gatherings.


The Flowering of Chilean Tea Culture

This post overviews the flowering of Chilean tea culture. Specifically, it shares how tea displaced mate, and how Chile became the country with the highest per capita tea consumption in Latin America and the only one that drinks more tea than coffee.


Afternoon Tea at The Parlour in Park Slope

This post shares my experience enjoying afternoon tea at The Parlour in Park Slope. This New York City tearoom is one of two run by Brooklyn High Low. (BKHL also has a location in Prospect Heights.)

The Parlour’s Address: 69 7th Avenue, (under the stoop) Brooklyn NY 11217


Review of Té Company Tearoom in Manhattan

Té Company has tearooms in the West Village and (more recently in the) East Village areas of Manhattan in New York City. It specializes in Taiwanese tea and their own handmade and delicious tea snacks. You can also buy tea and snacks on their website. (Té is pronounced “tay.”) [Post last updated 3/2/25.]

I can’t believe I haven’t written a review of Té Company before! I have visited Té’s West Village location (the original location) more than any other teahouse in Manhattan. The calm and cozy space, thoughtfully curated tea choices, excellent service, and delicious snacks keep me coming back. 

(Photo: Traci at Té Company, West Village location in Manhattan, NYC, with her friend’s plushie bison AKA a “luff”. Photo taken by Taniya Gupta.)