Blog Events

Spring Rest Kit for Tea Lovers

Make it easy to have restorative and mindful tea sessions this spring: purchase your Spring Rest Kit for Tea Lovers!

Imagine carving out time to enjoy a peaceful, mindful tea session. You spend a few moments using a practice to ground yourself. Then, you mindfully drink your tea and take time to journal. Maybe there is even music playing. At the end, you notice that you feel more at ease and peaceful.

I designed this Spring Rest Kit for Tea Lovers to help you have experiences like this!

The words "Spring Rest Kit for Tea Lovers" and "Tea Infusiast" appear in a teacup nestled into purple phlox flowers.

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Blog Events

Tea Meditation on Campus

Recently, I led a tea meditation on the campus where I teach. It was an honor. The Mindfulness Center organized the event and invited me to offer it in their serene space. I have experience offering tea meditations online and in person. In person is trickier in the sense that I often have to bring some of the tea things. So, for this event, I needed to think about what items campus had, what I must provide, and what I might also bring to enhance the experience.

space set up for a tea meditation. It includes meditation cushions, tea bowls, and cloth napkins on a woven mat.
Blog Events

Presenting at the Toronto Tea Festival

Traci Levy AKA Tea Infusiast--a white woman with should length silver hair and glasses, wearing a blue sweater and skire and red boots, standing in front of the 2025 Toronto Tea Festival sign.

Let me share my great experience presenting at the Toronto Tea Festival!

I was delighted that the Toronto Tea Festival organizers accepted my workshop proposal: “ConnectiviTEA: Tea Lovers Unite” for the 2025 event.

Blog Events

Winter Rest Kit for Tea Lovers

Make it easy to enjoy restorative and mindful tea sessions with my online Winter Rest Kit for Tea Lovers!


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Blog Events

2025 Tea Festivals

Tea Lovers: Why not make attending one or more of the 2025 tea festivals a priority this year? This post shares 32 (and counting!) tea festival dates and locations in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Japan! [Last updated 3/26/25]

What is a Tea Festival?

Tea festivals are wonderful opportunities to connect with all things tea and other tea lovers.

Traci Levy AKA Tea Infusiast standing in front of the 2025 Toronto Tea Festival sign.

As I wrote in “5 Tips for Attending Tea Festivals“:

Tea festivals are events open to the public (often requiring attendees to purchase tickets) that feature vendors and artisans (sometimes even producers) who sell tea, teaware, accessories, and related merchandise. They also usually sell tea sweets or other food items.

Blog Events

The Power of CommuniTEA

My experience at an online tea event underscored the power of communiTEA–the magic that happens when we connect over tea in community.

I’m going to be real, Tea Friends. I have been struggling a bit. I have been scrambling to catch up–and trying get ahead–in my personal and professional life. An upcoming surgery has me discombobulated. Besides the stress of working more to prepare, fear around that event has been an unwelcome and too-constant companion. It has been really hard to process the fear and to allow space for other feelings.

Sunlight making a powerful light in a glass fairness pitcher full of tea

Meditating with others online helps. The practices I have learned as a meditation teacher help–particularly, to be with and breathe through my emotions. The charity tea event I recently held, Story of a Teacup 2024, also provided an unexpectedly wonderful boost.

Blog Events

Meet the 2024 Tea-Loving Storytellers

The third annual Story of a Teacup Event chariTEA event takes place online on November 17, 2024. Four other tea leavers and I will be having online tea with participants. We will also each share a story about a special piece of teaware from our collections. It’s always a lovely tea-and-empathy-building event. [NOTE: This lovely event has passed. You can read about it here.]

Meet the 2024 tea-loving storytellers!

Blog Events

Story of a Teacup 2024 Charitable Fundraiser

You are warmly invited to join us at the third annual Story of a Teacup 2024 chariTEA fundraiser! Connect with other tea lovers over tea and stories and support a great cause on Sunday, November 17, 2024, 2-3:30PM ET. [NOTE: This event is passed. It was lovely. Read my takeaway from the event here.]