Rosebud tea can be delightful. Let’s compare the flavor, mouthfeel, and more of yellow vs. pink rosebuds steeped as herbal tea.
I have been drinking pink rose and pink rosebud tea for some time. Yellow rosebuds, by contrast, are relatively new to me. Realizing I had two different colored rosebud herbal teas, both grown in Iran, made me curious to compare them. The results surprised me!

Comparing the Dry Rosebuds
The colors of both of the dried rosebuds are pretty and vibrant. They each contain the bud, sepals (green leafy structures around the bud) and the hip (the tiny bulb at the bottom where the seeds are).
The aroma of the different colored dry buds differs! Whereas the pink buds smell primarily rosy, the yellow buds smell mildly like green banana with a hint of rose.

My Steeping Parameters
From experience, I know I enjoy rosebud tea with a lighter touch than is often recommended on the packages. So, I weighed 1.5 grams of each of the rosebuds and used my standard 150 ml cupping set to compare them. I heated my water to around 205F (93C) and steeped the rosebuds for 4.5 minutes.
Side note: Although the photo above shows more yellow than pink rosebuds, they weighed the same.
Comparing the Rosebud Tea Infusions

In this carefully controlled steep of the same weight of rosebuds, the yellow rosebuds actually steeped a bit more golden than the pink rosebuds. The color was a little bolder.
In the infusion from the yellow rosebuds, I detected the flavors of slightly green banana, rose, and something woody. It was pleasant and a bit silky in terms of mouthfeel.
The pink rosebud tea steeped a paler golden color compared to the yellow rosebuds.
In the infusion, the flavor was predominantly rosy, with a noticeable “spicy” note that reminded me of ginger. The mouthfeel of the infusion from the pink rosebuds was noticeably silkier than one from the yellow rosebuds. It felt even more soothing in my throat, too.

Other Thoughts on Rosebud Tea
You can drink rosebud tisane because you enjoy the flavor, the beauty, the mouthfeel, and/or how it feels in your body. Drinking rosebud tea makes me relaxed and comforted. I particularly enjoy sipping them later in the afternoon or evening. I haven’t tried making rosebud tea using a cold steep yet. That’s on my summer agenda, for sure!
Also, rose may have potential health benefits. Rose has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and more recent studies show rose contains phytonutrients and vitamins C, A, and E, iron, and calcium. (Source: WebMD : “Rose Tea: Is it Good for You?”) Like with ANY herbal, it’s always a good idea to buy from a reputable vendor. Importantly, also look up any precautions or potential side effects and consult your doctor.
I’ll close with two reflections that surprised me. First, it’s interesting that I have to use the word “rose” or “rosy” to describe the aroma and flavor that is stronger in the pink rosebud tisane than the yellow one. I know we shouldn’t use the word for a thing to describe it. I would also add that the “rose” flavor and aroma is strongest of all in the Crimson Rose tea I discussed in a previous post about herbal teas. Surprisingly, what I have long thought of as “rose” flavor doesn’t predominate in all kind and colors of rose/rosebud teas!