Welcome to the April 2024 edition of Tea Infusiast News–a newsletter for tea lovers to connect with and through tea. This is the 16th edition of the newsletter.

In this April 2024 Edition

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of Tea Infusiast News–a newsletter for tea lovers to connect with and through tea. This is the 16th edition of the newsletter.
Tea on the Trail began on June 1, 2018 as an art project to drink tea and photograph thrifted teacups on hikes. Nicole McKinney is the talented photographer, ardent tea drinker, and kind soul who created it. In honor of the five-year anniversary of Tea on the Trail, I asked Nicole to reflect on her experience.
Reading Tricia Hersey’s critique of the maxim “you can’t pour from an empty cup” got me thinking.
Are you ready to get poliTEAcal, Tea Friends?
After losing my sense of taste while having COVID, I’ve pulled together some tips on how to enjoy tea when you can’t taste anything.
I read about people who lost their sense of smell and taste while they had COVID-19. For me, however, it was hard to fully appreciate what that would be like until I also temporarily lost these senses. Tea is an important part of my life. So, I was determined to find a way to continue to enjoy tea when I couldn’t taste or smell it.