
Tips to Take More Tea Walks

I’m sharing tips to take more tea walks!

Teatime and nature walks are two occasions when I reliably slow down.

I tend to breathe more deeply and slowly, and connect with the present moment.

I’ve found arranging to have tea in nature (tea + nature walk) especially calming and delightful.

blue gaiwan and teacup next to a glass fairness pitcher full of tea on a tree stump I found on a tea walk

Before Developing the Tips

For years, however, I didn’t make it convenient to go on “tea walks,” as I now call my nature walks that incorporate tea sessions. That means I went on fewer than I might have. What’s more, I entered those I went on a little more frazzled than necessary.

Tips for More Tea Walks

Now, I have a system down that helps me. I’ve learned how to take more tea walks. And, I’d love to share my system with you.

Habit expert James Clear tells us that there are four qualities that help a good habit to take hold. I apply these to facilitating tea walks.

Make It Obvious

That’s the “cue.” For me, I have tea at roughly set times of the day–a morning session and an early afternoon session.

green clay teapot on a log with moss. there is snow in the background.

If the weather is good (and that can mean many things to me), it’s a work-from-home-day, and I don’t have a meeting or other obligation close to my teatime, that’s my cue to go on a tea walk.

Your cue could be something else. For example, it could even be a day of the week or month.

Make It Attractive

I asked for a beautiful teaware travel bag for my birthday one year and was lucky enough to receive it. Packing and carrying this bag brings me a lot of pleasure, in addition to protecting my teaware.

Make It Easy

This is the one that I previously struggled with the most. The teaware travel bag helped. But, I still wanted to bring other things that took time and energy to gather every time. So, I designated a fun, tea-themed tote bag as my other tea walk bag. In it, I keep a small mat that I can sit on outdoors and a bamboo mat on which to put my tea things. These items stay in the tote when I’m not using them. That makes it so much easier than hunting each thing down and figuring out how to carry them every time. I can slip my thermos of hot water conveniently into that tote, too.

Make It Satisfying

Green clay teapot, small dish with loose leaf tea leaves and white rabbit tea pet on a small oak tea tray on the beach at sunrise

I always pack a tea that I am eager to drink and teaware that’s a pleasure to use (but sturdy enough to travel well). Sometimes, one of my tea pets even joins me. Drinking a tea I love with waves crashing or the birds singing (shown to help with anxiety, by the way), surrounded by the beauty of nature never fails to delight me. It’s always satisfying.

Do You Have Tips or Questions?

I’d love to know if you have any tips to take more tea walks. I’m also more than willing to answer any questions and brainstorm about any challenges you face to take more teatime outdoors. Please use the comment function if so.

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