Welcome to the June 2024 edition of Tea Infusiast News–a newsletter for tea lovers to connect with and through tea. This is the 18th edition of the newsletter.

In this June 2024 Edition

Due to my recent travel schedule for work, our regular “Teaware Talk” newsletter section is on vacation this month. It will return soon!
I’m excited to share even more about my tea experiences in Paris on the blog and in future newsletters.

What’s Steeping
Spring suddenly brought us some very warm days in my part of New York–a signal to bring out my Hario cold-brew bottle. Since then, I have been enjoying iced tea. I’ve started off steeping a green tea from Korea and an oolong tea from Taiwan–Sejak from Soocha Tea and Ruby from Té Company, respectively.
So good! The cold steep amplifies the nutty and umami elements of the Sejak and brings out delightful chocolate and sweet notes in the Ruby.
Below: The rolled Ruby oolong tea leaves. Also, a cup of the Ruby prepared cold brewed and a cup of the tea steeped hot and then chilled. Even though the tea that I steeped hot is noticeably darker in color, both teas are equally flavorful.

Unfortunately, I used up all my Sejak before I thought to get a photo in time for the newsletter. Luckily, I was able to order more since Soocha Tea recently received the 2024 teas from Korea.
I have one big problem with iced tea: it’s so, so easy to keep refilling my glass! Do you, too, find you drink more tea on hot days when it’s prepared and hanging out in your fridge?
Magical Tea Moment
Here’s a teaser for what’s to come about my tea experiences in Paris!

I was lucky enough to be able to have tea at the gorgeous Restaurant du Musée d’Orsay. My tea time was filled with awe as I soaked in the incredible beauty of the restaurant. I admire the ornate ceiling, delicate chandeliers, and exquisite statues. It wasn’t so much that the flavor or energy of tea that was the star this time. Sharing the moment with my faithful friend tea, however, absolutely made it more magical.
Tea Meetup on Long Island
Let’s gather and share outdoor tea time, Tea Friends!
Our meetup location is in Nassau County, New York, and accessible via car (free parking) and the LIRR.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
12:15pm – 4:00pm
For more information and/or to sign up/ask questions, click the button below.

Tea Infusiast Offerings
Curious about what kind of live and online tea events I offer? I’ve written up my core offerings so you can see them all in one place!

Instead of waiting for my tea offer these public events again, you could contact me directly about customizing and leading an event for you or your group. (See the link at the bottom of the post after you click “Read More.”)
ICYMI on the Blog

Rosebud tea can be delightful.
In this post, I compare the flavor, mouthfeel, and more of yellow vs. pink rosebuds.

Even though it’s often portrayed as a competition–tea bags vs. loose leaf—there are advantages of each approach to brewing tea. Let’s explore this issue!

Tea Friends in (or who visit) Nassau County, New York, here’s a review for you!
Although Humble Cafe in Williston Park focuses on high quality coffee that it roasts on the premises, it also has some very good tea choices–particularly for tea lattes.