This post shares why I am launching a Tea Infusiast Newsletter in January of 2023, why you might want to subscribe now, and how to sign up!

Why A Newsletter
My main ways of staying in touch with members of the tea community have been through social media (primarily Instagram, but also Facebook and Twitter) and the blog. Everyone on Instagram and Facebook has likely experienced how the algorithms can be capricious in what content it shows us (even when we follow someone!). It’s exasperating to try to push out a message to your followers and see that the Meta algorithm has decided not to share it with many people. Twitter’s challenges since it changed ownership have also been clear. To avoid the vagaries of social media and its algorithms, a newsletter is a more reliable way to keep in touch.
Another reason I wanted to launch a Tea Infusiast newsletter is to have a reliable way to communicate with members of the tea community who aren’t on social media that often, or at all. There are many reasons people avoid or limit their time on those platforms. I respect that and would love to have another reliable way to connect.

Why You Might Want to Subscribe
My plans for the Tea Infusiast newsletter will surely evolve, but for now they include keeping it to a 6-minute-or-less read, and pairing each visual newsletter with an optional audio recording for accessibility. (I’m working with new tech for the latter right now and crossing my fingers that I can get it to work seamlessly.)
The newsletter will share links to blog posts you may have missed, exclusive subscriber content not on the blog or social media, advance notice and (often) subscriber discounts to Tea Infusiast events, and other goodies. Additionally, it will generally spotlight interesting things other members of the #communiTEA are doing and feature cameos by one of my jaunty tea pet friends! Subscribers can generally expect two emails a month–the monthly newsletter and, sometimes, time-sensitive updates. It’s possible to unsubscribe at any time.
In honor of the two year anniversary of the blog on December 16, 2022, I’ve organized two December giveaways to precede the launch of the Tea Infusiast newsletter. Tea Lovers who subscribe by 11:59pm ET (USA/Canada) on November 30, 2022 will get two entries for the December 1st giveaway of a $100 gift card to the Tea Thoughts shop AND two entries for the December 16th giveaway that will be announced soon. (I’ve written about the Tea Thoughts shop: Gifts for Tea Lovers, Part I.) People who subscribe to the newsletter after November 30th and by December 15, 2022 will get two entries for the December 16th giveaway. (Caveat: the December 16th giveaway item can only be mailed in the USA or Canada. Sorry tea friends in other places!)
How to Subscribe to the Tea Infusiast Newsletter
If this sounds good to you, I invite you to give it a try and subscribe now!