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Tea Infusiast Offerings

Here are some core Tea Infusiast offerings–resources and eventsdesigned to connect us with and through tea.

Subscribing to my monthly newsletter will reliably let you know about my upcoming offerings (in addition to other tea-related content). You can also contact me directly about customizing and leading an event for you or your group. (See the link at the bottom of this post.)

I absolutely love designing online kits and different types of events to help tea lovers connect with and through tea. I am looking forward to running these core Tea Infusiast offerings. Currently, my resources and events include…

Resource: Rest Kits

Online Rest Kits for Tea Lovers

Rest Kits for Tea Lovers are designed to provide online resources–everything (except the tea) to help you have convenient, mindful, and restorative tea breaks!

The rest kits are tailored around the season in which they are offered and highlight a theme. They include a menu of resources (and suggested pairings)–original and curated resources like grounding practices, journal prompts, mindful tea suggestions, sound experiences, and more. You can use these practices to put together restful tea sessions that can be easily incorporated into your busy week.

Rest Kit for Tea Lovers image of clay tea bowl on a blue and white piece of fabric on a table.

I share the Rest Kit with participants on a password-protected website. Often, I offer an optional online communiTEA practice session for rest kit folks, too.

Tea Infusiast Event Experiences

Here are my current tea-centered Tea Infusiast offerings, in alphabetical order by series name.


Besides being delicious, tea has special powers to connect us. In this workshop, Traci will guide us through a short activity to invite calm and connect us to the present moment. We’ll also explore how our shared love of tea can connect us to other tea lovers.

This event includes a short, guided meditation and an introvert-friendly small group activity. You’ll leave feeling energized by our connectiviTEA.

I have run this event in person. It could also work very well online. ConnectiviTEA can be streamlined or accordioned out: run as a stand alone event from 40 minutes to an hour, or as a nice addition to another event.

Story of a Teacup

At Story of a Teacup, we develop empathy and connection by sharing stories about teaware that holds special memories for us. We also prepare and sip tea together in communiTEA.

You may hear stories all kinds of stories–anything from the whimsical to the nostalgic, or funny. Our storytellers may share things like:

  • their teapot’s history with a previous owner,
  • the thrifting session where they discovered that teacup,
  • a fond memory they have of using that gaiwan or teapot, etc.
Story of a Teacup image. Three piece teacup and plate set with an image of a girl and a map in the background

I have run this event two ways. With small groups, each participant can share a story about a special piece from their collection. With medium or larger groups, I arrange featured storytellers. Between stories, we’ll have time for Q&A and sharing. I often integrate poetry or literary readings into this Tea Infusiast offering.

When offering this event on my own, I run it once a year to fundraise for a charitable cause.

Story of a Teacup typically runs between 75 and 90 minutes, depending on the number of participants and other elements we integrate. Although I have run this event a number of times online, I could also organize and lead an in-person version for folks nearby at some locations on Long Island or NYC.

Tea As a Gateway to Mindfulness

It’s easy to overschedule ourselves for everything except rest. Too often, a week slips by in a blur and we feel depleted at the end of it. Tea as a Gateway to Mindfulness offers you a practical approach to integrating restorative, mindful breaks into your week.

We’ll explore why tea can be particularly helpful as part of a mindfulness practice. And, a guided session will help you appreciate some ways you can be fully present with your tea. We’ll also make space for community sharing and questions. Let’s support each other in our quest to rest!

Traci Levy (AKA Tea Infusiast) leading a Tea as a Gateway to Mindfulness workshop.

Tea as a Gateway to Mindfulness can run 60 or 75 minutes. I have offered this event in person and could do so again at some locations on Long Island or NYC. Alternatively, I could offer it online.

Virtual Tea Table

Looking for a supportive group of tea lovers to practice weekday mindfulness? The Virtual Tea Table is an online, weekday space for tea lovers to rest with tea in community–communiTEA rest!

Virtual Tea Table image of small teacups with clay teapot

This offering features short online gatherings that you can integrate into your weekdays as part of a rest or restorative practice. I enjoy including things like a grounding practice, a guided tea session, thematic journal prompts, and time to rest with our tea. We also make space for (optional) community sharing.

This Virtual Tea Table runs 25- 30 minutes. At different times, I have offered the VTT so folks can attend everything from a single session to signing up for the whole series–which could be a month or a season. We have usually gathered in live, online sessions. I have also occasionally offered the VTT as asynchronous video recordings.

Tea-Adjacent Offering: Build Your Rest Practice

Build Your Rest Practice is an interactive workshop to help you plan small, restorative habits into your week. Of all my offerings, it’s the only one in which tea doesn’t play a central role. To me, it’s still related because tea is an important component of my personal rest practice.

Tea Infusiast's Build Your Rest Practice offering image. Teacup on leaves on a wooden planks.

This Tea Infusiast offering can include information about forming habits as rest research and inspiration. Journal prompts also help you identify what practices sustain you. We explore how we might schedule restorative practices into our week.

Also, we have an opportunity to share and problem-solve in community.

This event runs 60 to 75 minutes. I have offered Build Your Rest Practice online. I could also offer it in person at some locations on Long Island or NYC.

Contact or Learn More About Me

To learn more about my background, you can read my “About Me.”

Marco Namowicz kindly wrote a piece about my thoughts on tea education a few years ago. You can access that 2022 article about me on Marco’s blog, Steap’d.

If you are interested in having me run an event for your group, kindly fill out the hyperlinked form below:

Let’s connect with and through tea!

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