My experience at an online tea event underscored the power of communiTEA–the magic that happens when we connect over tea in community.
I’m going to be real, Tea Friends. I have been struggling a bit. I have been scrambling to catch up–and trying get ahead–in my personal and professional life. An upcoming surgery has me discombobulated. Besides the stress of working more to prepare, fear around that event has been an unwelcome and too-constant companion. It has been really hard to process the fear and to allow space for other feelings.

Meditating with others online helps. The practices I have learned as a meditation teacher help–particularly, to be with and breathe through my emotions. The charity tea event I recently held, Story of a Teacup 2024, also provided an unexpectedly wonderful boost.

I don’t know how to fully convey the magic that happens when tea lovers gather and share tea together (even online!).
And, amplify that power of communiTEA when tea lovers share photos of their beloved teaware and the moving stories behind those pieces.
It’s the magic of empathy through tea and stories.
It’s the power of connection as we shared that special space.
There’s the sense of hope, too: we can be far away yet still feel close.

I deeply felt wonderful connections and empathy during the event. I was also buzzing with these feelings for hours afterwards. The uplifting, powerful feeling of connecting over tea and stories online has helped shrink the fear for now, providing a wonderful respite and a big dose of hope. That’s an amazing power of communiTEA!
I’m also delighted to share that I wasn’t the only one who experienced these feelings. While I’m still waiting for more feedback to come in, some participants at Story of a Teacup have already reached out. One person said “extremely healing…we need to do more of these tea sessions.” Another messaged me: “I feel like I’m spiritually charged thanks to your event.”

Knowing this event was also supporting an important cause made it even more meaningful. Ticket sales for this event raised $446 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It felt good to come together for this cause.
See the wonderful members of the communiTEA who shared stories at the 2024 event.
Gather in communiTEA: 10/10 very highly recommend!