When I say I love tea, I emphatically mean the beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. I don’t mean herbal teas (AKA tisanes). My desire to drink tasty beverages, however, is greater than my ability to tolerate caffeine (sadly), so I am constantly searching for caffeine-free tisanes that I enjoy. I have been experimenting with tisane recommendations to match tea moods or preferred flavor profiles.

Tisane and Tea Chart
The chart, above, is subjective, of course. It shares which tisane I will reach for if I am craving certain tea flavors and don’t want (or can’t have) more caffeine. I hope it helps you with tisane recommendations to match your tea mood.
Recommended Vendors
You can buy herbal teas from many different places. If you don’t already have a preferred vendor, I highly recommend SerendipiTEA’s Honeybush and Soocha Tea’s Mistletoe and Barley Sprout. I don’t have a financial relationship with either company. I simply enjoy their teas and tisanes. [Update: Almost two years after writing this post, I still love these tisanes. I have also started collaborating occasionally with Soocha Tea in mid-2023.]
In the mood for a flowery, pink, and spice-centered caffeine-free latte? You might enjoy my Rose Cardamom Latte recipe.
Maybe you are just getting started with loose leaf teas or tisanes and are interested in a few tips. You could check up my post How to Get Started with Loose Leaf Tea.
Which tisane do you reach for if you are in a particular tea mood? I would love to know. If you give this tea mood chart a try, I’d also enjoy hearing how it worked out for you.
Since writing this post, I’ve shared another with more herbal tea recommendations.
2 replies on “Tisane Recommendations to Match Your Tea Mood”
This is great! Thank you for the great recommendations! I’ll have to look into them, especially barley sprout. I’ve been obsessed with soba cha and roasted dandelion root tea recently and they are absolutely perfect when I need a caffeine free pick me up!
Thanks, Anna! Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I haven’t tried soba cha or roasted dandelion root. I will look out for those. Thanks for the tip!