The Virtual Tea Table is a space to gather online with other tea lovers and build pauses into our workweek. Read on for Traci’s dream for the group and how to join.
[The *Winter* Virtual Tea Table has ended. You can still sign up for the *June* gathering.]
If you follow me on social media or subscribe to Tea Infusiast News, you may have noticed that I have been trying to be more intentional about building restorative pauses into my day. Grind culture, unfortunately, makes this effort seem transgressive –particularly on “work days.” The Virtual Tea Table is part of my effort to invite other tea lovers on a journey together to create a better way.

to steep, sip, and connect.
False Start
When I first started writing this post to explain why I am organizing the Virtual Tea Table, I began in the vein of the “Resist the Cult of Productivity” piece that I published earlier. But, I was angier! I wrote hundreds of words fuming about the inhumane pace of American work culture. Then, I stopped cold.
Do you, Tea Friend, need to read my rant about how much American culture and institutions push us to be relentlessly productive? (And, this isn’t only true in America.)
I think you understand we could all do better to “Reject a Culture of Scarcity.” Even if we aren’t pushing back against this sad state of affairs all the time, I bet you and I know it in our bones and in our heart. Besides, others have already written very powerful (and less rant-y) books on the subject. 😉
Imagining Another Way
Instead of fuming about the inhumanity of grind culture, I would like to share a vision of another way. A way that inspired me to organize the Virtual Tea Table group.
Imagine a pace of life–even on workdays–that seems sustainable. Humane. Even pleasurable.
Next, envision time to eat without rushing or multitasking. Every day.
Then, picture yourself with the space in your schedule to integrate movement–maybe a walk. Consistently.

Finally, dream about time to pause. To connect with your breathe and your body. To connect with others, too. Can you see our teacups–some held to warm our hands, others resting on the tea table?
Does this vision sound transgressive, especially for “work days?” It probably does. Otherwise, wise leaders like Tricia Hersey wouldn’t write whole books with titles like Rest is Resistance. (I loved this book, by the way, and very highly recommend it!)
Envisioning the Virtual Tea Table
The Virtual Tea Table group is my modest attempt at organized resistance against grind culture.
The Virtual Tea Table is a small part of my vision for a better-rested, more connected, and less exploitative world.
The group encourages us to clear 30 minutes in our calendar on a workday. (But, not every week! It’s a start, not the whole revolution.) 😉
The Virtual Tea Table provides a scheduled time to join online with me and a small group of other tea lovers. Together, we will pause our day. We will gather with tea to steep, sip, and connect.
The inaugural Virtual Tea Table group starts with four sessions over about eight weeks. Meetings are 30 minutes–long enough to be restorative, but short enough to integrate into a weekday.

- Meet: “Odd” Thursdays beginning January 19th
- Sessions: January 19, February 9, February 23, and March 9
- Time: 1:30-2:00 pm ET (USA/CANADA)
- Tea Friends who subscribe to the newsletter pay only $19 USD ($26 CAD) for all four sessions (more than a 20% discount compared to the non-subscriber fee).
- Tea friends who don’t subscribe to the newsletter can join the Virtual Tea Table group for $24 USD ($33 CAD) for all four sessions.
- Spaces are limited.
- Fill out this online form to receive payment instructions and secure your spot at the Virtual Tea Table!
- Like all proceeds from Tea Infusiast events for the first six months of 2023, 10% of sales will be donated to the non-profit organization Caring Across Generations.
I would love to have you join us, Tea Friend!
Can you make the space? Can you join this effort to chart a better way? Check out our June Gathering of the Virtual Tea Table!