
Why Offer a Meditation and Gratitude Series?

This post explains how I understand a gratitude practice and why I am offering a meditation and gratitude series that begins on September 13, 2024.

Why a gratitude series?

I avoided starting a gratitude practice for years. I mistakenly believed that consciously embracing gratitude involved denying or downplaying the hard and painful parts of life. In fact, I have heard people talk about gratitude that way. Some have suggested that it trumps or should dissolve most pain and hardship.

Learning there were other ways to approach gratitude helped motivate me to develop a gratitude practice. I try to acknowledge and feel my emotions in all their complexity and range. And gratitude, as I practice it, does not change that. It reminds me that my life includes moments for which I’m grateful.

In fact, a regular, conscious gratitude practice has helped my overzealous nervous system notice those meaningful connections and moments that I value. What’s more, over time and with my meditation practice, it has helped me find more balance and equanimity. When I practice regularly, it even helps me through the sadder times without erasing them. I’m not only noticing the things that make me sad or worried. I’m also acknowledging the moments of meaning and connection.

Why a meditation series–three sessions?

Each session is designed to be meditative and helpful alone; however, habits take time to develop.

I wanted to offer three sessions in this meditation and gratitude series, spaced over several weeks, to really help people who would like to use this experience to create or deepen their gratitude practice. My intention is to help people get enough momentum to carry them forward if they decide to continue working with gratitude.

Why live sessions (with recordings)?

I am offering live sessions (online via Zoom) in addition to recordings of the sessions. Why am I not just offering recorded practices without the live session? Practicing together can amplify our intention and encourage us to keep going. At least that’s how I always feel! And, to be totally honest, I love interacting with people.

So, if this sounds interesting, or promising, or exciting to you, I hope you will considering joining my September Meditation and Gratitude Practice Series.

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